Digital Healthcare
The digitalisation of processes and regulatory requirements determine the area of tension for companies in the healthcare sector and present them with daily challenges. Companies in this sector must successfully implement these issues in a balanced way with limited resources and funding.

Project management is a decisive factor for success
Norman Frischmuth, Managing Director of proventis GmbH, and an expert in Project Management, regularly gives webinars for companies in the health care sector. The following statements come from the participants and describe the hurdles in the sector:
- Demands on resources
- A lot of projects and few resources
- Conflicts between regular work and project work
- Resource bottlenecks and associated high project stress
- Finding the necessary knowledge carriers for projects in the company
- Unresolved / sprawling projects damage other ongoing projects
- Prioritisation of projects necessary to manage limited resources more effectively
Your goal: Efficient multi-project management
Strategic + political goals are brought into line with operational projects using portfolio management. The annual planning of strategic issues based on specific measures is supported. IT and specialist departments provide resources for the important projects according to their availability and the required skills. This is done in coordination with the departments and is documented so that future bottlenecks can be avoided.
Clearly structured coordination and approval processes increase the efficiency of all projects and avoid friction losses for all participants.
Legal framework conditions are also constantly evolving. This usually triggers action as well. This makes it even more important to highlight and prioritise all pending measures and projects within a process of consideration. The goal must be to provide decision-makers with facts that help avoid contradictory decisions. This conserves the utilisation of project resources. Decisions can be made about the allocation of resources and budget based on a solid factual basis.
Blue Ant gives your company more facts for decision-making and discussion
The variety and diversity of projects presents a challenge. In this context, project eligibility checks and prioritisation of projects play an important role. Regulatory projects, which are fixed in terms of deadlines and sometimes also content, reduce the room for manoeuvre of all projects. This makes it even more important to prioritise all projects in order to be able to allocate resources and budgets in a strategically sensible way.
The use of resources and especially the balance between line and project capacities is also crucial. The goal must be to obtain an overview of the availability and needs of resources. This is the only way to implement strategic long-term and medium-term planning of the portfolios.
How does Blue Ant support you?
- Blue Ant provides a freely configurable project life cycle as a workflow. For each project category or project type, you can map different development degree or maturity models: Everything is possible in Blue Ant, from the project idea to project evaluation, prioritisation, clarification, planning, implementation and operation. Various stakeholders can be integrated in a four- or multi-eye principle.
- The flexibility of Blue Ant with regard to free fields and free screens, which you can define yourself, enables the mapping of complex scoring models and the integration of the scoring into all relevant evaluations and overviews of Blue Ant.
- Blue Ant's resource management supports you in the search for suitable resources, in staff request and approval processes, in team planning and in simulating utilisation scenarios in the portfolio
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