Hypergene – Who we are
We’re a strong team. We have the best programmers, developers and consultants. We think beyond project management because we’re more than a software company. We provide consulting and software from a single source making our customers more efficient, faster, and more successful.
We are Hypergene.

We want to make better project management possible for everyone. With this aim in mind, business administration graduate, Norman Frischmuth, founded proventis with a handful of ambitious associates in Berlin in 2001. Today we are part of the Swedish Hypergene Group and operat from 8 offices in Germany and Scandinavia. With over 200 highly motivated staff, we develop cloud-based solutions for multi-project management and integrated performance management.
Efficient project management and a clear organizational structure help us advance
our own projects day by day, creating software solutions and consulting services,
which provide our customers with a clear competitive advantage. Our core product
is Blue Ant, a multi-project management solution with integrated project and resource management.
With our national and international partners, we support a wide range of customers. And we want to achieve even more, because we are convinced that with optimal project management, every company can become more efficient.